Blog 4: My Bucket List.

Some activities or dreams that I have to do in the future, or at least the 3 most important among many other that I not include in that list are: 

1. Go on a trip with my university homies, we have had some adventures practice trekking but the idea is to go more further, maybe for vacations on south or some beach, or our most ambitious plan today, go to Machu Picchu by the longest route that lasts many days, maybe a week of walking, I don’t sure about details.

2. I wanna buy a old car to travel, I really like the oldest Lada Niva  I don't know why, but I think that I am a little obsessed with this car, I love it because is not expensive, is off-road and is a car for for enjoy not only driven because it is can refurbish and customize handmade for little money, relatively.

3. The last is to study in another country, maybe a post title.

The most difficult thing to do is the last, obviously is the most expensive but also is emotionally hard because it is necessary to be away from family and old friend, but as well is the most difficult, is the most gratifying experience of my list because it allows me to learn about new things and meet new people.


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